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The New Land is a magical tale readers will love.  The first book of Daisy Bourne’s fantasy novel series will transport readers to Avalon for adventure and excitement.

The New Land is a fast-paced story that is action-packed from beginning to end.

The swordplay and battles will have readers on the edge of their seats.

The female characters in the novel are also very powerful,

a refreshing change from most fantasy novels.

Bourne describes the fictional land so vividly, readers will think the setting is real.

The descriptions of the lush greenery and mountains

are expertly paired with a map of Avalon at the beginning of the novel.

The New Land would be best for fans of fantasy novels like Harry Potter and other novels about magical powers.

 The Merlin and King Arthur references in the novel

would also appeal to fans of medieval fantasy. The book would also be great for readers of The Lord of the Rings trilogy or other Tolkien-esque novel about journeys.

Though the novel may appeal most to your adult readers,

The New Land can appeal to readers of all ages.

Daisy Bourne has written a book that will have readers clamoring for more.

The New Land will have readers eager to return to Avalon.


Tales of King Arthur and Merlin will probable always be told and retold for new generations, but it’s up to the author to keep the stores fresh.

This particular presentation does just that for a young audience.

The book is clearly aimed at younger readers, with short chapters and several well-drawn illustrations

peppered throughout.

In a tight space, Bourne does an admirable job of building this into a believable new world and populating

 it with an assortment of interesting characters. Edward and Daisy are both portrayed as sympathetic,

likable characters.

Fortunately, this is the first book in a series and readers

will get a chance to revisit these characters again.

Daisy Bourne’s exciting Tales of Avalon Series continues

with The Land of Twydell and the Dragon Egg.

The Land of Twydell is an engaging story that readers will enjoy whether they are followers of the series

or first-time readers.

Bourne’s writing packs a lot of action in such a short novel.

The Land of Twydell is fast-paced and the diologue is compelling throughout the novel.

The allegory about Merlin and the dragons trying to bring peace between the neighboring countries of

Avalon and Twydell is also an excellent lesson

for readers told in an entertaining way.

The Land of Twydell and the Dragon Egg continues the sweeping saga of the Tales of Avalon.

Daisy Bourne has written a novel that will leave readers ready to continue the series and escape to

Twydell for adventure.

The story is filled with magic and adventure.

The concepts are simple enough for a young child to understand, yet complex enough to keep minds

working on linking all the pieces together.

Language used is also accessible to younger readers

without necessarily “talking down” to them.

Even in the world of magic and mystery,

manners and respect turn out to be the greater forces at work, providing children with important life

lessons without being preachy or lecturing.

The New Land Book Review

The New Land is a magical tale readers will love. Bourne describes the fictional land so vividly, readers will think the setting is real. The descriptions of the lush greenery and mountains are expertly paired with a map of Avalon at the beginning of the novel.

The New Land would be best for fans of fantasy novels like Harry Potter and other novels about magical powers. The Merlin and King Arthur references in the novel would also appeal to fans of medieval fantasy. The book would also be great for readers of The Lord of the Rings trilogy or other Tolkien-esque novels about journeys. Though the novel may appeal most to young adult readers, The New Land can appeal to readers of all ages. Daisy Bourne has written a book that will have readers clamoring for more. The New Land will have readers eager to return to Avalon.

—Pacific Book Reviews

Tales of King Arthur and Merlin will probably always be told and retold for new generations, but it’s up to the author to keep the stories fresh. This particular presentation does just that for a younger audience Bourne does an admirable job of building this into a believable new world and populating it with an assortment of interesting characters.

—US Review of Books

The Land of Twydell and the Dragon Egg Book Review

Daisy Bourne’s exciting Tales of Avalon Series continues with The Land of Twydell and the Dragon Egg. This sequel continues the saga of Merlin and King Arthur.

The Land of Twydell is an engaging story that readers will enjoy whether they are followers of the series or first-time readers. Bourne’s writing packs a lot of action in such a short novel.

The Land of Twydell is fast-paced and the dialogue is compelling throughout the novel.

The Land of Twydell would be perfect for readers who are fans of Lord of the Rings or other fantasy novels about odysseys and journeys. Young adult readers may be the target audience, but readers of all ages will love this novel.

—Pacific Book Reviews

The story is filled with magic and adventure. The concepts are simple enough for a young child to understand, yet complex enough to keep minds working on linking all the pieces together.

Language used is also accessible to younger readers without necessarily “talking down” to them. Even in the world of magic and mystery, manners and respect turn out to be the greater forces at work, providing children with important life lessons without being preachy or lecturing.

—US Review of Books

The Exchange of Rings (Tales of Avalon)

by Daisy Bourne

AuthorHouse UK

                           reviewed by Donna Ford

"One for Sorrow, Two for Joy, Three for a Girl, Four for a Boy, Five…for Silver, Six…for Gold, Seven…a Secret Never to be Told."

The third book of the Tales of Avalon series welcomes back friends, foes, heroes, and heroines well-known to King Arthur’s people in Avalon. These include both the human and magical kind. And wherever good and evil clash, there will always be long-time enemies (Trajaens) or unfriendly strangers (the Northern King).The tale told in this book begins and ends with the exchange of rings. Avalon’s own Prince Edward and Princess Rosalie are among the couples exchanging rings. These marriage-like relationships between future kings and queens are typically meant to unify neighboring lands. A missing ring—stolen by a magpie—sets Merlin on a hurried journey, and there will be one more surprise union whose secret is told before the end of the book. Bindweed enchantments have long protected wizards, the little folk, and their secrets. Now the same spells may be used to reverse destruction caused by an invasive weed, saving farmers and living creatures, including magpies, from death by starvation.

Bourne’s fantasy series was inspired by what might have happened after the Arthurian legend. What if Merlin took the wounded Arthur through a portal to another world where he survived and lives? Also, what if in this place animals speak and magical people assist their neighbors? Readers familiar with the series will enjoy reconnecting with favorite characters and wrapping up loose ends before the next adventure begins. Bourne has created a fantasy world especially geared toward the young adult market, where danger or romance must be true-to-life but suitably contained. Once again she welcomes youthful readers back to this enchanted place of kings, queens, flying brooms, mines, pit ponies, and the Forbidden Forest.

 - RECOMMENDED by the US Review

“One for Sorrow, Two for Joy, Three for a Girl, Four for a Boy, Five…for Silver, Six…for Gold, Seven… a Secret Never to be Told.”

“The Exchange of Rings,” the third book of the Tales of Avalon series welcomes back friends, foes, heroes and heroines well-known to King Arthur’s people in Avalon. These include both the human and magical kind.  And wherever good and evil clash, there will always be long-time enemies or unfriendly strangers. The tale told in this book starts and ends with an exchange of rings.

Bourne’s fantasy series was inspired by what might have happened after the Arthurian legend.  What if Merlin took the wounded Arthur through a portal to another world where he survived and lives? Also, what if in this place animals speak and magical people assist their neighbours? Readers familiar with the series will enjoy reconnecting with favourite characters and wrapping up loose ends before the next adventure begins. Bourne has created a fantasy world especially geared toward the young adult market, where danger or romance must be true-to-life but suitably contained. Once again she welcomes youthful readers back to this enchanted place of kings, queens, flying brooms, and the Forbidden Forest.

-  The US Review

November, 2017

Lennox's Story: Book Five in the Tales of Avalon Series

by Daisy Bourne

book review by Michael Radon

"'When you see this pendant again you will know that you can tell your friend Merlin about Zan and our home in Zanadoo.'"  As the evacuation of all magical creatures from Briton to Avalon is in progress, Lennox the unicorn, his wife, and young son are being chased by human hunters. The queen of the witches and several fairies help the trio of unicorns reach safety, but now the family must stay concealed and are unable to roam freely. Lennox’s son Bryant, impatient and stubborn, ends up going out one night and is pursued by Tamarie, his mother.

Both of them fall prey to the traps of fishermen, leaving Lennox alone to grieve as perhaps the last unicorn. Heading to Avalon in hopes of meeting other surviving unicorns, Lennox discovers a fierce competitor, kind allies, and must go on his own journey to change the fate of the area and save creatures of all races from the dangerous gudgers.

Anyone jumping into this book as their starting point for the author’s Tales of Avalon stories will be unsure of some of the people, places, and events discussed in the book, but Lennox’s story serves as a stand-alone adventure that happens parallel to many of the key plot points of the other books. Inspired by Arthurian legend and classical fantasy, this book follows in many of the traditions and tropes of its predecessors but strikes out in many new imaginative directions of its own.

Lennox’s character is noble and honorable but also darkly driven by revenge at times, and the perspective of following a unicorn rather than a knight or a wizard opens up a lot of opportunities for creative storytelling and exciting adventure. More than just the average fantasy book, Bourne gives increased depth to her own series of books while simultaneously telling an entertaining, well-crafted story in its own right.

RECOMMENDED by the US Review

REVIEWS of Daisy’s Books on Amazon

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"I, as a children's writer, came to read some of the books by Daisy Bourne. She is a phenomenal writer engaged writing children's stories and novels. She has established her name in terms of gripping stories and bewitching plots carved with adventure, thrill, joy and humor--- where characters unfold themselves within the thread of intriguing story like the horizon brightens as we we come closer to the hills! The most striking element in her writing for me is: her spectacular skill of conflating psychology in the characters appropriate in narrative texture. I think her books are worthy for grown up children of any where in the world for the fun and joy they are enriched with. My best wishes for her success !

Bam Dev Sharma, University Professor, Children's Writer, Tribhuvan University Nepal - March, 2021